Bye Bye Comics (Super)heroes!

So obviously, it will be impossible to cast Heath Ledger as the Joker ever again. Although Nolan had to make sure everyone got it by saying it out loud.

But I wonder who would think dropping Edward Norton as Hulk is a good idea, as Bruce Banner seems like an impossible character to play - Eric Bana didn't pull it off either - so they're probably going to cast a third fourth actor to play the scientist, probably. 
My problem with the films was that the CGI Hulk was too... well, fake. 
In the series, although it was a bit ridiculous (poor Lou Ferrigno covered in green) but the Hulk was man-sized and a bit more believable. 
It's fair enough that people believe that a spider can turn you into a web-throwing creature, but that some green DNA stuff can make you three times a normal human size is just asking too much I think. 
Maybe that's something for producers to consider...
Bana (top), Bixby/Ferrigno and Norton (bottom). Who will join the list?
Update 15 July 2010: According to this, Mark Ruffalo might be the next Hulk. (Please also note the similarities between this post and the Guardian's!)


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