School Of Rock / Rock academy
(Rock Academy)
In the School of Rock, Jack Black (whom I confused for a while with Frank Black and Jack White, am not very good with colours) is a failed musician who usurps his flatmate's identity to make easy money working in a posh school.
He realises that the kids are decent musicians (especially the guitar playing one, I'm always annoyed at how bass gets treated in that film) and forms a rock band.
It's not a bad film. The kids are funny and Frank, I mean, Jack goes OTT a bit, but that's why we like him (because he's a bit mental and chubby)
So, the "French title" - please note the lack of French words in the French title. Why oh why change a title in a foreign language to a title in the same foreign language? (That would be rule 3, by the way) I should think that it is probably a reference to the popular (yet rubbish) tv show Star Academy (Fame Academy - poor version of the X-Factor).
L'école du rock would have been a perfectly acceptable title, or L'academie du Rock.
But no, they just went for something ridiculous.
How typical!
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