Il Gattopardo/Le Guépard /The Leopard

(Who knows?)

I'll cut this one really short because I have not seen the film in about 20 years.
The article is from the NY Times and can be read here.The Italian title is Il Gattopardo, which translated to le Guépard (fail) which was translated to The Leopard (fail).A gattopardo is, according to the Italian definition, like a cat, but much bigger. Research has shown that (well I found) it is another name for an ocelot.To be fair to the French, at least guépard has a couple sounds in common with gattopardo. Leopard has... well the pard part.And you know what Guépard is in English? Cheetah. I don't know about you, but "cheetah" reminds me of Cheeta, the monkey in the Tarzan films. 
That might explain the choice of a different animal for the English title.

Chimpanzee, Leopard, Cheetah or Ocelot, who cares? It's all cute to me!
