I Come with the Rain

I Come with the Rain (IMDB)

I can't hide that I only became aware of this film recently, and only when discussing Lee ByungHun (see here or here) with a friend.
I am definitely not a Josh Hartnett fan, so never really pay attention when he has a new film out.
It's the story of an ex LA cop who goes to Hong Kong to get the son of a rich man back. 
What a mess of a film. It is directed by Vietnamese director Trần Anh Hùng and that is sort of his saving grace, as the filmography is beautiful. One of the strongest scenes is a nearly wordless 5 minutes of Hong Kong with the whole of one of my favourite Radiohead songs, Climbing up the Walls, as soundtrack.
It is very violent too, with one of the most disturbing opening scenes I have seen in a while, and violence throughout the film (mainly from Lee).
Hats off to Hartnett, who does a good job and Lee, who is very scary as a cold hearted killer.
But the story is just all over the place, which really is a shame, as this film could have been so much more.
