News Round up 14 April 2012

Happy Saturday!
- Hollywood looks towards China.
- Is the rise of Netflix and Lovefilm (and the likes) the death of video stores? In my case, no. Because I’ve never rented DVDs from a shop, only online, and am now streaming. But maybe that’s because I’m lazy and don’t want to bring the videos back when I should (Oh yeah, am such a rebel).
- Complaints from US conservatives about same-sex relations in games smack of bigotry rather than concern for child safety. Not totally film related, however, voice actors are real actors and a lot of A-List actors have voiced video games. And I love video games (catching up with the Uncharted series at the moment, in case you're interested). 
- Short circuit will be remade? They really are running out of ideas.
- La Haine to be shown where the 2011 UK riots started.
- Do trailers reveal too much? Yes, yes they do. But it’s not like you cannot find out about the whole plot by other means anyway should you want to. Or not want to, actually.
- And finally, The Guardian Science Weekly podcast with Daniel Everett on language. Well worth listening.

Yes, please do. 
