News Round-up, 18 June 2012

Blah blah... lack of posting... blah blah... excuse... blah blah... links:
- Episodes went viral in Israel because of a translation error - don’t you love google translate?
- TMNT delayed - or maybe cancelled? That’s good news.
- I love like Kenneth Branagh. Words cannot express how much I love like this man. I cannot wait for the next season of Wallander. Wallander rules. Kenneth too.
- This one is... grammar related... And very funny
- People in the Eurozone went to cinema less. I am not surprised. Paying god knows how much to be surrounded by annoying people is a waste of money.
When I went to see the Avengers, (sorry Marvel Avengers Assemble), the cinema was fairly full. I 
had a fidgety kid behind me, some coughing woman in front of me and 3 rows below me, a guy in his 40s who would laugh very loudly and clap at every joke (Seriously, mate, it may be called “theatre” in some parts of the world, but the actors aren’t live on stage, they can’t hear you clap). 
When my friend asked me the next day if I liked the film, I responded that I would have liked it better if I’d watched it at home alone, without all the distractions. 
Love cinema, hate idiots. Unfortunately, there always seem to have plenty whenever/wherever I go...
In older news:
- Small actors are angry at normal sized actors for taking their jobs (“Dey took arr jabs”). Well done, Snow White.
- There should be a sequel to Eastern Promises
- Bill Murray didn’t want to do Ghostbusters 3 because the script sucks.

On a different topic, this is not film related, but quite neat.
