News Round-up 19 February 2013

New news:
- Jean Rochefort gives up on theatre and perhaps cinema (In French). Nooooooooo! :’( Anyone who has read my piece on Cible emouvante probably knows how much I like this guy. Or not. I like this guy.
- Ewan McGregor wants his own Star Wars spin-off. Why?
- Harrison Ford would return in the new Star Wars. Ok.
- Oliver Twist “reinvented” as a crime fighter. What the hell, America? No. Seriously. I am tolerating “Elementary” because of Jonny Lee Miller (and yeah, ok, Lucy Liu's rather cool), but why take a character we all know and love and "reinvent"? You could have written a story resembling Sherlock's and called the guy Peter Rabbit and no one would have noticed anything. (It's not like you don't find the same story-line in 20 different series anyway). But making a big deal out of it being a reinvention was very dumb. Oh yeah, and is “Do No Harm” supposed to be Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde? No? Liars!
Older news:
- Jin Roh to be made as a film. Same as Akira, I suppose?
- Poland has become England’s second language.
- Something about la galette des rois.
- Some countries regulate baby names. If France still did, I would not have the pleasure to know people who called their kids Fletcher and Kenny. Proper French names, these.

Very old news:
- Much better than Battleship, I suppose: a film will be made from a reddit thread.
- Tweeters as film critics? Tweeterers?
- Much used places in films. Quite a good series that, actually. Check it out.
- Bigelow on torture in her new film.
- Grace Kelly too glamourised in a new film, apparently.
- A film about Lance Armstrong. JJ Abrams’s name drew my attention but I don’t think he’ll be directing.
- Django Unchained figurine withdrawn from US market. I don’t know what’s funnier: that there are actually figurines, or that some would buy them. The film’s an 18!!
- Another word that’s easy to get wrong. Remember, brasseries, not brassieres :P
Which reminded me of my friend Dave (British) who did not notice the difference between hymne (hymn/anthem) and hymen (same thing) and went for a while talking about the “hymen national”.
