News Round Up 8 September 2013

This week, I saw Red 2, for no other reason than Lee ByungHun.
In case you hadn't noticed, I really REALLY like Mr Lee. He needs to picks his roles in English a bit better, but he was good, and the film was much better than I expected. They did get quite a few laughs out of me.
I also had the (possibly not best idea) to buy Diablo 3 for my PS3. I have spent whatever free time I had this week playing, and I can only see this carrying on until I get bored. If it's anything like Skyrim, it won't happen any time soon.

In the news:
- I really really really want to see Steve McQueen's new film
- Robert Pattinson in a James Dean biopic, but not playing James Dean.
- Ian McKellen as Sherlock Holmes??? YES PLEASE!!!!
- Benedict's next role
- So 10 days ago, I read that Charlie Hunnam - currently everywhere with Pacific Rim, wasn't interested in playing the film adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey. Then I read that he'd accepted the role. I also read that Ryan Gosling turned the whole thing down. Good on you, Ryan, good on you. Now people are complaining about the casting. Unbelievable!
- There'll be a third Kick Ass film, but that'll be it afterwards. How many times have I heard that one before?
Not the newest pic, but it still makes me giggle 
