News Round Up 25th December 2014 - the "Is it this time of the year already?" Edition

Tuesday was my last day at work until the 5th of January - and yes, I am very happy about it. I am quite looking forward to doing as little as possible until I have to get back to work. I have a trip to France planned, films and series to catch up with, chocolates to eat and 3 games (Shadow of Mordor, Assassin’s Creed Unity and Dragon Age) to finish. Talking about Dragon Age Inquisition, it has been a month of squeezing in as much play time as possible, and I still am not bored of it and still in awe of how huge, beautiful and rich the game is. I complained to one of my friends (who worked on the game) when he asked me if I was "Enjoying DA?" that it was a "Stupid game killing my social life!"

I also was in Lucerne for a meeting a few weeks back, and Lucerne is damn pretty, and there was cheese, chocolate and mulled wine everywhere. Does this sound like paradise to you too?
In the news in the past month:

Oh and as everyone is doing their top (x) at the moment, here are mine (in no particular order): My 3 favourite games of the year: Child of Light, Middle- earth: Shadow of Mordor and Dragon Age Inquisition. My 3 favourite films of the year: Boyhood, Calvary and Guardians of the Galaxy.
