News Round-up 30 May 2015

I was home in France last week end and I had fun on my uncle’s farm trying to take pictures of his animals. I ended up taking mostly pictures of flowers and told my mother that it would be “my pastoral series”.
There was a big fuss about the “Eurovision song contest” and France placing 25th or something, but the song was utterly boring, and I will complain about Belgium not doing as well as Italy or Russia and finishing 4th when their song was, in my humble opinion of course, actually much better. Rant over, that's me done being lame for the year :D
In the news:

Also, The Witcher 3 is big and beautiful (and sometimes a bit gory), but hard, man!
Talking about big and beautiful,  Jaws of Hakkon, the DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition is finally out on PS4 and it’s great fun too. I so am totally smitten with Scout Harding.
On this note, our dear friend Cyril Ficus needs some TLC, so gotta go.
Have a great week end, everyone!!
