News Round-Up 30 August 2015 - the Long Week End Edition.
This is a long week end in the UK, which means more time to do awesome things like shopping, or a Die Hard marathon - although I refuse to watch #5 and I have skipped 2.
As mentioned in my previous post, I finally managed to finish the main story of the Witcher 3. I still have bits and pieces to do, but I am mainly done with the game. Yes, I am THIS proud :)
I saw The Gift and I really really recommend it. It’s creepy, very well acted, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
In the news:
- No GoTG / Avengers cross-over, or at least not in the near future, Jeremy Renner says. BOOO!
- A Prometheus sequel. Ok, then.
- On the same note, 10 Australian road-movies.
- Five flms about real bands.
- Mads Mikkelsen with Benedict Cumberbatch in Dr Strange = yay.
- Funny Amazon film reviews.
- Witches as feminist heroes. I can live with that.
- Classic movie lines completely improved by a kiwi accent. And a kiwi judging non-kiwis doing a kiwi accent.
- And finally, the last of the Dragon Age Inquisition DLC, out next week. Huzzah :D
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