No Man's Sky

I have been playing for No Man's Sky for over 10 days now and have no idea how many hours I have clocked (I don't want to know), and I have been having a lot of fun.
Yes, it is not really what the promotional materials made it to be, yes it is very crashy, and can be a bit dull, but sometimes, you just need to just explore space and stand on an unknown planet and admire how pretty it is. It's not always about shooting stuff or stealth your way out of a situation, you know? 

I started playing with a friend (I said "with", this is definitely not a multiplayer game) and we were chatting while playing and sharing impressions, our discoveries (Dozens of pictures exchanged), or tips on how to survive. There is hardly any tutorial with this game which lead to a lot of "I have NO idea what I'm doing!", in the first few hours at least. We are definitely enjoying ourselves, but that's not the case for everyone. 

Amidst the dozens (if not more) of articles about the game, a lot of them slating it for being, mainly, crashy and repetitive, these 2 are the ones that, for me, stood out the most. The Kotaku review and Keith Stuart's take on the game. "Some people have reacted badly to this. Used to being told they’re the centre of the galaxy, gamers are furious about the lack of direction in the game, the lack of point, the lack of meaning, the lack of recognition. It has occurred to me while watching the controversy unfold that many of the angry comments about the game are expressing existential angst. There’s no point and no direction."
I can't deny that the regular crashing is irritating, but I'm sticking to it, hoping for a fix soon. The install file is small enough that it can live on my PS4 until I have no more planets to explore...
