News Round-up 26 May 2012

The News Round-up is sort of back again. I am finding it increasingly difficult to find anything interesting these days, it seems. Well, it’s Cannes this and Cannes that - so mainly boooring.
- Lovefilm ran a poll about Brad Pitt’s haircuts. Read Stuart Heritage’s hilarious take on the story.
- India annoyed with its representation in Hollywood films. Welcome to the club, India. I get annoyed nearly every time some American film pictures France.
- Morgan Freeman is cool.
- Food as a new dimension in cinema? Is this suitable for vegetarians?
- Staines changed its name to escape the stigma left by Ali G
- Something about Carrie, by Stephen King - Carrie the film is one I like.
- The loveliest word in the English language?
- The story of the man who wanted to make films but ended up in the video game industry. Part 1 and part 2.
